Party members have been expressing their disappointment, embarrassment and irritation with their leaders.
Following the latest health care repeal failure, Republicans are expressing their frustration, embarrassment and even fear to their party leaders. Many have now stated that they feel the promise their party has been making for years – to remove significant portions of the Affordable Care Act – is as close to death as it has ever been.
President trump has blamed the Democrats and “a few Republicans” for defeating this central component of his agenda.
The Affordable Care Act was President Barack Obama’s signature health care bill. Republicans have long been opposed to the design and requirements of “Obamacare.” However, several health care repeal efforts have brought them no nearer to their long existing goal. Establishment Republicans point the finger at a lack of leadership from President Trump. Conservative activists blame the establishment Republicans who are currently in control of Congress.
That said, throughout all this finger-pointing and blame, the Affordable Care Act continues to stand. The repeal then replace efforts have reached a crushing failure after having led to widespread uncertainty throughout the nationwide health insurance industry.
Members of the party are sharing their exasperation with the health care repeal strategies and efforts.
“If embarrassment were fatal, we’d all be dead,” said Rick Tyler, Republican strategist, speaking of the GOP’s performance in general since it took control of both chambers of Congress as well as the White House. “The American people have given us enormous responsibility and enormous trust and we’re blowing it.”
President Trump also expressed frustration with Republicans. His opinion, though, was that party members had essentially given up on repealing the Affordable Care Act after having promised to do it for seven years.
The primary objection made against the latest repeal effort was the number of Americans who risked losing their health insurance coverage. According to four Republican senators who opposed the latest GOP health care repeal plan, millions of Americans who are currently covered through Obamacare would lose their health plans. At the same time, conservative GOP members were disappointed in the plan because they felt it didn’t go far enough.