Illinois Governor Pat Quinn is expected to make a decision on a bill arriving at his desk today. The State’s House of Representatives passed legislation— by a sweeping majority of 98-15 – that would keep the state’s health insurance contracts intact for the next two years. This conflicts with Quinn’s move to change the state’s health insurance carrier, a measure that would have left more than 100,000 government workers in need of new coverage.
The bill will also reopen the health insurance procurement process and allow the state’s insurers to commence bidding for contracts with the government. The role of the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (COGFA) will also be clarified, and it will play a much larger part in approving contracts presented by insurers. Furthermore, the bill will require the state’s Department of Healthcare and Family Services to relinquish authority to the Department of Central Management Services in the matter of health care contracts.
While the bill has several provisions that Quinn supports, he is expected to veto it outright. There has been some talk amongst legislators that support the bill about an effort to overturn the veto, but the next veto session is not until the Fall, meaning any action taken toward that end would mean Quinn’s original plan would continue unabated.
Quinn’s office has yet to release comment as to whether he will sign the bill into law or veto the bill.