Health insurance struggles faced by seasonal firefighters

Health insurance plan

An online petition and a call to the government have been made in the hopes for federal coverage. Thousands of seasonal firefighters protect the country every year but do not have health insurance, causing them to start a petition and ask the government for inclusion in a federal health plan. These firefighters are the front line for protecting the country against the wildfires that explode their way across some of the most dangerous terrain, sending out flames and smoke that continually puts their safety and lives in danger. And yet…

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Obama gives the nod to health insurance for seasonal firefighters

Obama reacting to the health care reform in 2010

The President is offering federal coverage for those employees who are risking their lives for others. In response to a petition and a request from seasonal firefighters for federal health insurance coverage, President Barack Obama has given his approval to provide these temporary workers with access to the medical plans. The loophole that formerly denied some federal employees this health insurance has now been closed. The President has acknowledged that these firefighters risk their lives to save people and their homes and belongings from fire, and that in return they…

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