Supreme Court may be unclear on how the health insurance mandate fits into the Affordable Care Act

Health insurance care reform confusion debate

The fate of the health insurance Affordable Care Act is currently in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court heard arguments concerning the constitutionality of the law last month, during which Justices raised serious concerns about the law’s provisions. The health insurance mandate of the law hit a chord with some of the judges and has been a point of contention for most of this month. The concerns of Justices may be due to a fundamental misunderstanding of the provision. This misunderstanding could put the Affordable Care Act…

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California officials mull over different methods of maintaining health reform in the state

As the U.S. Supreme Court continues to consider whether or not it is constitutional for the federal government to require Americans to buy health insurance, what is also being debated is whether or not it can push the individual states to broaden their Medicaid insurance coverage. It is predicted that the top court in the country will have made its decision by the end of June, right in the middle of the presidential election race. It was estimated by the Kaiser Family Foundation that if the law is upheld, California…

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What happens if the Obama healthcare reforms are overturned?

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard the arguments regarding whether or not the Obama administration’s overhaul of the healthcare system is constitutional, but now that they’re over and the waiting process for the Court’s decision is under way, people have started to wonder what will happen if the law is overturned. The problem is that the system that came before the overhaul still wasn’t getting the job done. Millions of Americans will remain uninsured, and either unable to afford coverage or unable to obtain it because they have pre-existing…

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Third day of litigation of Affordable Care Act still focused on insurance mandate, Justices touch briefly on Medicaid expansion

The third day of arguments concerning the Affordable Care Act took place on Wednesday this week. Though the schedule laid out by the Supreme Court earlier this month indicated that the third day of litigation would concern the health care law’s changes to Medicaid and Medicare, the Court’s Justices were keen to keep their attention on the law’s health insurance mandate. Justices are no longer focusing on the constitutionality of the mandate; however, they are now seeking an answer to a simple question: Can the health care law survive if…

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Supreme Court to begin litigation on Affordable Care Act this month

This month, the U.S. Supreme Court will begin litigation on the controversial Affordable Care Act. The federal law seeks to radically change the structure of the country’s health care industry and introduces new insurance regulations that are aimed at benefiting consumers. The Act was signed into law in 2010 and has since been a point of contention for political leaders and legislators throughout the U.S. Many states have backed the Affordable Care Act, but others have filed lawsuits against the federal government, accusing the law of being unconstitutional. The Supreme…

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