Are roundabouts bringing good auto insurance news to the United States?

Roundabout at Berkeley Insurance news

Many are asking whether or not they are helping to decrease the rate of accidents in the country. Every year, cities throughout the U.S. have been receiving requests to help to reduce street traffic congestion and safer, and among the requests that are receiving attention in insurance news are those that request the use of “roundabouts.” There are many who feel that the roundabouts that have gone up in their areas have made a difference. Roundabouts are quite commonplace in many countries around the world, particularly in Europe, and in…

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Survey: “Would You Trade Your Privacy For Lower Car Insurance Rates?”

auto insurance

Survey and Guide by According to a recent press release, the NHTSA aims for all cars manufactured after 2014 to come with a little black box (Event Data Recorder – EDR). Proponents stress increased safety and savings on insurance premiums, while opponents underline the threat to privacy and even forecast increased premiums; wraps up and issues a survey to ask consumers how much do they value their privacy. The initiative by The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) would require all cars manufactured after August next year to…

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