Just because you’ve got a tow hitch doesn’t mean what you tow will be covered under your primary automobile insurance. There are a high amount of mechanical issues which can develop from towing. Even if you know what you’re doing, there can be problems. Now that’s not to say you shouldn’t tow, it’s not to say there are no insurance options available. It is to say you should know what you’re doing, and be careful. As far as insurance goes, what you’re looking for is twofold. Firstly, seek roadside assistance…
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How to find the best options for auto insurance in Phoenix
Anyone who is looking for auto insurance in Phoenix will want to shop carefully. The wrong choice can be not only costly in terms of premiums but may not give the customer the right coverage. Full coverage or PL/PD? Policies fall into to two basic categories. Full coverage is the more robust package. It covers damage to the driver’s car in addition to the car of the other party. This kind is a requirement if the car is a fairly expensive or newer one as well as if the car…
Read MoreAuto Insurance Add-Ons That Are Actually Worth the Extra Money
When it comes to deciding on auto insurance for your vehicle it’s important to thoroughly consider each policy type before jumping to make a decision. Insurance premiums can be a big chunk of change out of your bank account each month, but unfortunately, car accidents are an everyday occurrence around the world, and getting caught without coverage can mean big trouble. You definitely don’t want to cut corners when it comes to making sure you have all of the insurance you need. Even if certain add-ons are going to cost…
Read MoreCar and home insurance you didn’t know you had
Your car and homeowner’s insurance policies may cover things you have not thought about. This may vary depending on the type of coverage that you have, as well as your limits of liability. It is good to know that the coverage is there when you need it. In the case of a terrorist attack, damage to your personal property may be covered. Damages to your vehicle will be covered if you have comprehensive coverage. Also with comprehensive coverage, if you let a friend borrow your car and they get into…
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