Auto insurance rates could change with improved texting enforcement

Auto Insurance Texting While Driving

Federal grants are assisting authorities to crack down on illegal cell phone behaviors behind the wheel. Drivers who have been able to get away with texting behind the wheel because it is easy to dodge the enforcement of laws against the dangerous behavior, may now be fining that this is no longer the case, and getting caught will send their auto insurance premiums skyward. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in new federal grants are helping authorities to catch texting drivers the act. An analysis performed on quotes from the leading…

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Governor Cuomo seeks higher penalties for drivers caught texting

Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York is seeking to crack down on drivers who text while behind the wheel, and to introduce tougher penalties for those who are caught.  On Friday, June 10, 2011, Cuomo proposed the introduction of a bill that addresses distracted driving.  This new bill would make this type of activity a primary offense, giving officers the right to pull over drivers who are caught typing on their mobile devices while the vehicle is in operation.  In New York, texting behind the wheel is still considered to…

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