Insurance industry wins a victory with the renewal of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act

Insurance industry news Lawsuit

House and Senate vote to renew the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act Both the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate have approved the renewal of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act. The legislation’s renewal was a fast-tracked through the House, making its way to the Senate, where it received majority support. The legislation is now awaiting President Barack Obama’s signature, which is expected to be given within the coming days. The President’s signature will enact the legislation, reinstituting the federal backstop that the insurance industry has been relying on. Insurers will again…

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Terrorism insurance in the United States may not be gone forever

terrorism insurance law

Terrorism insurance legislation may see new life, thanks to federal lawmakers At the end of 2014, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act was allowed to expire. This meant that many insurance companies that offered coverage across numerous industries no longer had access to the financial aid offered by the federal government. This aid was meant provide a safety net for the insurance industry and its dealings with acts of terrorism. Because terrorist attacks can be quite costly, the insurance industry had warned that allowing the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act to expire…

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Insurance news story develops from Sony’s “The Interview”

The Interview - Sony - Insurance News

The entertainment giant could find itself struggling to cover the cost of the massive losses from its film. Although large corporations like Sony need to purchase coverage in order to be able to protect themselves against a tremendous range of different types of risks, an insurance news story is one of the many developing issues resulting from the cancellation of the release of the film called “The Interview.” It has been reported that Sony stands to lose about $100 million as a result of the movie’s cancellation. Sony decided not…

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Expiration of Terrorism Risk Insurance Act could bode ill for the insurance industry

Terrorism Risk Insurance industry

Federal backstop will no longer be available for insurers and businesses The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act is set to expire at the end of the year following the blocking of a legislation that would have extended its lifetime. The U.S. Senate has failed to reach an agreement concerning the legislation, with lawmakers unable to reach a vote before the end of the Congressional legislative session. Because no solution was found for the issue, the federal backstop that the government had provided to the insurance industry will no longer be available…

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US House votes to extend terrorism insurance law

terrorism insurance law

Insurers may benefit from extension of terrorism insurance initiative The U.S. House of Representatives has voted to extend the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act by another six years. The law went into effect in 2002 and has established a federal backstop that provides financial assistance for insurers offering coverage against acts of terrorism. The law has played a major role in ensuring that various industrial and commercial projects have the coverage they need to take form. Over the past year, the law has been the subject of legislative debate, with some…

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