Insurance news made as Coinbase takes out Bitcoin policy

Bitcoin insurance industry news

The company has now purchased protection through Aon to cover digital currency from theft and loss. Coinbase, a provider of bitcoin merchant and wallet services, is now making insurance news as it has taken out a policy to be able to cover the digital currency against the threat of loss and theft. The company is seeking to use the insurance policy to protect itself against cyber attacks and hacks. According to a blog post from the company, “Coinbase is insured against theft and hacking in an amount that exceeds the…

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Is Cyber Insurance Really Necessary?

Cyber Insurance

Society is becoming more integrated with technology and that is exposing businesses to new threats that they may not be prepared to deal with. Cyber insurance is designed to be a type of protection against these threats, but many businesses have yet to fully embrace this protection. Large companies tend to have cyber liability policies in force, but smaller companies do not typically see this type of coverage as necessary, mostly due to the misconception that they are not high value targets. High profile cyber attacks are often highlighted in…

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Largest Czech insurer, Ceska Pojistovna A.S., leans on IBM to prevent tech problems

IBM has released a statement that revealed that Ceska Pojistovna A.S., the largest Czech Republic insurance company, is using the predictive approaches from smarter computing at IBM in order to take preemptive action against IT problems and to provide its core business functions – for example, customer management and claims processing – with greater support. By using the technology from IBM, the insurer has managed to reduce its overall yearly IT maintenance costs by $500,000, while at the same time achieving an improved online reporting ability for business customers, and…

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The top answers that will enlighten the insurance industry in 2012

As 2011 comes to a close, insurance companies are already beginning to ask questions about technology and regulation trends, as well as other important considerations. Though they won’t have their answers before this year is finished, there are already some predictions being made about what will be learned in the upcoming year. After all, a large number of changes are occurring in the industry, such as the wave of new mobile commerce technology that is now becoming much more mainstream, where it had only been considered “emerging” until now. Among…

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Clean Energy & Technology Practice announced by Travelers Companies Inc.

The Travelers Companies, Inc., which is already known for its products to help to provide coverage and mitigate risks for clean technology and energy companies, has now launched its Clean Energy & Technology Practice. The company has been providing these types of coverage for over twenty years and its new Practice will provide a new line of insurance products that are streamlined and specifically designed for businesses that offer clean energy and technology. It will help them to obtain coverage while managing their claims and risks. According to the president…

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