What Sort of Insurance Do Athletes and Sports Teams Need?

Insurance Do Athletes and Sports Teams Need

As we all know, if you’re prepared to pay enough, you can insure just about anything. For example, actors regularly insure parts (or all) of their bodies for eye-watering sums. Some of the most famous examples of this include Heidi Klum, who insured her legs for $2 million each, Julia Roberts insured her teeth for $30 million, and Daniel Craig who insured his entire body for $9.5 million.  While this may seem a little vein, it actually makes good business sense. Actors use their bodies to make big money, so…

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Thefts at little leagues cause rise in crime insurance

Little league thefts ranging from break-ins to concession stands to embezzlement schemes have led the leagues to purchase crime insurance policies for better protection.  These volunteer-run organizations have been noticing similar problems for several years, which originally led Little League International to issue a letter in 2009 to try to provide local leagues with tips and ideas that could help them to protect themselves against the financial struggles that were resulting from missing funds.  The suggestions included everything from improved security devices to criminal background checks on participating adults.  The…

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