If you’ve just been injured in a car accident, it can be a scary time. This is especially true if you don’t have automotive or medical insurance since you’re likely to be more worried about the cost of your injuries than whether or not you’ll recover. Even so, many injuries after a car accident can be quite serious, particularly injuries to your spine or head. When you’ve been involved in a serious car accident, it’s crucial that you get proper medical care, even if you don’t have insurance. That being…
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New Mexico regulators pursue improved short term health insurance oversight
Officials in the state want greater control over the minimum standards for these types of plan. New Mexico insurance regulators are seeking greater authority over the short term health insurance plans in the state. They are aiming to set the state’s minimum standards for these health plans, instead of using those established by the federal government. The new standards will become effective through a new bill that has passed the House of Representatives. A new short term health insurance minimum standards bill has now passed the New Mexico House of…
Read MoreWhat type of insurance coverage should a college student consider?
If your child is already in college, or will be headed there within the next few months or years, then you may want to begin thinking about the different types of insurance coverage that may be important for him or her during this first time away from home. The odds are that he or she will remain free if incident throughout the entire time at college, but just in case some of those close calls go awry, it is best to be protected. The following are some of the types…
Read MoreCOBRA loses federal subsidy, future of the program questioned
The end is nigh for one of the federal government’s most popular and well-used insurance plans. The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, more famously known as COBRA, will no longer be subsidized by the government beginning next week. The demise of the subsidy, which has provided insurance coverage to millions of unemployed citizens throughout the nation by lowering the cost of COBRA, has been met with little fanfare. After the subsidy ends, the options for those unable to afford conventional insurance coverage will become slimmer. Despite being designed to help…
Read MoreReport finds that 50 million people are uninsured and unable to receive coverage through COBRA
A new report from the Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation working to improve the performance of the nation’s health system, has found that 50 million Americans are without health insurance of any kind. The lack of coverage is linked to the economic recession of 2008, in which many businesses had to make cuts to staffing in order to stay afloat. As unemployment rose, so too did the rate of those without insurance as many no longer had access to employer health benefits. According to the report, most of these people…
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