Insurance news regarding Sandusky shows Penn State’s insurer won’t pay

Sandusky News

University’s fines and penalties will likely not be covered. The latest insurance news about the Sandusky sexual abuse scandal at Pennsylvania State University has shown that it is unlikely that the school’s insurer will be covering the $73 million in penalties and fines that have been imposed by the Big Ten Council of Presidents and Chancellors and the NCAA for the failure of the college to handle the allegations of child sex abuse by the former assistant football coach. Gerald A. Sandusky’s attacks led to unprecedented fines and penalties. Penn…

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Latest Sandusky news shows insurer aiming for exemption from legal fees

US life insurance policy payout ruling

Insurance company doesn’t want to pay for costs unrelated to the alleged victims. The most recent Sandusky news involves another hearing that is still linked to the same investigation, but that is not connected with the alleged victims in the case, causing the insurance company to withdraw its willingness to pay for the legal fees. This particular hearing involves a lawyer for the former coach, and an insurer representing the charity Sandusky founded. An article in the Patriot-News stated that this case is over the responsibility that the insurance company…

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