Why Do You Need Health Insurance Even When Under 30?

Need health insurance

When young and healthy, most people think that health insurance is not necessary. Many even say that it is just too expensive to warrant offered benefits. This is definitely not the case. Getting health insurance is one of the best things you can do, no matter what your age is. There are various things that can be said about health insurance so let us focus on those facts that are highly important. Health Insurance Is Affordable Many say that health insurance is not affordable. This is not actually the case.…

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Survey highlights confusion consumers have regarding auto and health insurance

traffic car auto insurance

Survey shows that half of its respondents are confused about insurance issues Insure.com has released the results of its latest survey focused on the insurance sector. The survey collected information from some 2,000 adults and aims to shed light on the confusion that some people have regarding their insurance coverage. The survey asked respondents 10 true or false questions. The correct answers to all of these questions was false, but more than half of the survey’s respondents expressed confusion about the insurance issues highlighted in the survey. 52% of respondents…

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Read The Fine Print On Credit Card Insurance Offers

Online Auto Insurance

“You should have read the fine print” is one of those cliches that is used so often as a punch line or lesson in stories. But the reason any phrase becomes a cliche in the first place is because it’s used so often, and it’s used often because it’s the truth. And these days, most everything comes with fine print and you ignore it at your peril; and that includes insurance policies. The trick to buying insurance is that you need to be aware of the fine print; the exclusions,…

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Health insurance vows by Romney will make notable changes to the system

Mitt Romeny Health Insurance

Millions of Americans with pre-existing medical conditions are asking if they will lose their protection. In the heated debates over health insurance, that have only become more intense as the election draws nearer, Mitt Romney has expressed his intention to extend continued coverage to individuals with pre-existing medical conditions. The presidential nominee for the Republican party has said that those switching jobs will have their coverage shielded. Those who are changing jobs will have their health insurance coverage protected. What has yet to be seen from Romney’s plans is what…

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Affordable Care Act making progress in getting insurance coverage to people with pre-existing conditions

The Obama administration is claiming that the Affordable Care Act had reached a milestone last week. According to Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, that nearly 50,000 people with pre-existing medical conditions have received health insurance through programs that were set up by the federal law. While this may be a significant accomplishment, many of the law’s critics claim that 50,000 is just a drop in the bucket, considering more than 25 million people with pre-existing conditions still do not have insurance of any kind.…

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