Standard & Poor’s reports cost of Medicare increasing at its slowest rate in over half a decade

According to data recently released by Standard & Poor’s, over the last year, the revenue increase for hospitals resulting from Medicare patients was about one third over what had been seen from patients who are covered by some form of private health insurance. The S&P Healthcare Economic Index showed that the revenue from Medicare increased by 2.5 percent per hospital patient before June 2011, which is the slowest increase since January 2005, when S&P’s first started to monitor this income. That said, the revenue generated from patients who were covered…

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Medicare costs return to spotlight following deficit debate

Controversial proposals regarding Medicare expenses have moved back into the forefront of discussions as a result of the federal deficit debates, leading many to voice concerns regarding the increase of hundreds – if not thousands – of dollars to the medical bills of seniors.  It has not yet been determined whether any of these new proposals will be enacted in 2011, considering the current impasse faced by the government regarding its spending.  The Republicans are currently demanding these proposals so that trillions can be hacked from the federal budget.  However,…

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Medicare is just not enough for senior citizens

With most U.S. senior citizens carrying Medicare the well used system has its pitfalls, leaving many worrying about coverage. Democrats have recently stated that they would not allow the Republicans to cut the funding to Medicare and its beneficiaries. However, even with this possibility, Medicare just is not enough for senior citizens. Supplemental health insurance is given to many senior citizens in order to close the gap and pay less. More often than not, getting health insurance can be rather confusing, as well as expensive. Thankfully, though, there are special…

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