How You Can Lower Your Business Auto Insurance Costs

Having a higher insurance rate will begin to eat into your company’s profits. Even with costs on the rise, you can’t avoid the price of insurance, but you can take active measures to lower the cost of your fleet. The claims will often cause a substantial rise in the price of insurance, and reducing your accidents will prove the most effective way to keep your premiums lower. Maintain Ongoing Assessments Data, the invaluable assistant of every fleet manager, will provide you with accurate and relevant information to make expert risk…

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Ways to Reduce Your Car Insurance

When it comes to owning a car, one of the biggest expenses that people inevitably find themselves dealing with is insurance. However, rather than simply paying the first price that you see, it is a much better idea if you look into ways of reducing the overall car insurance. Here we have compiled a few of the top ways of doing just this.  Shop Around for Different Quotes  The internet has provided an invaluable tool for shopping around for different car insurance quotes, so it certainly makes sense that you…

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Hawaiian Insurance Commissioner calls for home insurers to submit new, reduced rates

A recent inquiry into the rates of homeowner’s insurance in Hawaii has led the state’s Insurance Commissioner, Gordon I. Ito, to call for drastic actions. The state’s Insurance Department ruled that the current rates for homeowner’s insurance are far too excessive. The department used data supplied by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to form a benchmark against which Hawaii’s rates were tested. Now, Ito is calling for insurers to submit new rate filings for review. Ito first issued a memorandum for insurers to send their justifications for their rate…

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Why men pay more for car insurance than women

Studies that women are paying less for car insurance than are men. It appears to the difference in premiums has more to do driving records than with gender, however. Although the average indicates that women pay less, it might not always be the case. According to InsWeb Corporation, the average car insurance rate is 9% lower for woman than it is for men.  The important thing to remember with averages is that the percentage rates can be substantially higher or lower. Studies have also shown that when women are listed…

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