Insurance company merger between Aetna and Humana will not go forward

Health Insurance company merger Aetna

A federal judge has now ruled in favor of prohibiting the two health insurers from merging. The Justice Department’s decision to stop the insurance company merger between Aetna and Humana has been upheld by a federal judge. These two health insurance giants were appealing the decision with U.S. District Judge John. D. Bates. The original decision to block the merger between the health insurance companies occurred in July 2015. That said, Judge Bates concluded in a 158-page opinion that “The Court is unpersuaded that the efficiencies generated by the merger…

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Health insurance mergers may impede value-based care

health insurance mergers industry care

The Justice Department determined that if large insurers come together it would hinder new coverage model adoption. Health insurance mergers have been increasingly common lately. That said, they’ve also been generating a considerable amount of controversy at the same time. According to the U.S. Justice Department, if very large insurers should merge as they have been doing, it could be damaging to current industry model trends. Among the main changes in health care is the move away from fee-for-service medicine. Instead, private insurance and the government have been shifting toward…

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U.S. Justice Department joins appeals Supreme Court to hear case concerning federal insurance mandate

The U.S. Justice Department has joined the call from 26 states and the National Federation of Independent Business for the Supreme Court to take up the issue of the federal insurance mandate that will be enacted in 2014. The mandate is part of the Affordable Care Act health care law brings major changes to the nation’s health care system. Now that the Justice Department has involved itself, the Supreme Court is likely to hear the case and reach a conclusion on the matter by the middle of 2012. The health…

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