Insurance news from Berkshire reveals 51 percent profit increase

Insurance News Profits

The company has just released its profit statements for its investments within this industry. Berkshire Hathaway has just announced its latest insurance news, saying that its net income rose to reach $4.89 billion, which translates to $2,977 per share, in a statement that it has released. This is a massive increase over a year earlier at $3.25 billion, which was $1,966 per share. The company, based in Omaha, Nebraska, said that this insurance news also includes its $2,302 per share operating profit, which does not include some of its investment…

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Investment vehicles help promote investor action in the insurance sector

This year’s string of devastating natural disasters has put insurers on edge. Earthquakes, tornados, floods and fires have drained capital levels throughout the insurance industry. In an effort to recover from such dramatic losses, many insurers have taken to ramping up their rates. Higher premium rates mean that companies will be able to recover their losses faster, but it also means they stand to make quite a bit of profit. This has not gone without notice, as investors begin flocking to the industry, seeing opportunity in the rampant calamity. “There…

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