Debate over illegal workers covered for “while at work” injuries

Illegal immigrants have once again moved to the forefront of public debate. Now, the various law makers, and state governing boards, are trying to come to a “middle of the road” agreement. What prompted all of this? It seems that a few states have taken a stand against compensating illegal immigrants who are injured at their job. Which prompts another question; how did these illegal immigrants get jobs? The best-guess numbers say that five percent of the U.S. workforce is (illegal) immigrants.  The estimate is there are around eight million…

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Australia’s disability program gets a shot in the arm

The Australian government’s Productivity Commission launched an inquiry into the nation’s disability insurance schemes and has release their findings in a report published this week. The commission found that the country’s current support system is unsustainable and does not provide enough support to the great amount of people suffering from disabilities. The commission is proposing a $12 billion a year insurance scheme. Currently, the government spends $6.2 billion per year insuring the disabled. An additional $6.3 billion will be needed to help another 360,000 disabled Australians. The insurance coverage would…

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