Middletown Common Council chambers hear strong opposition to dog insurance proposal

Pet insurance liability issue grows in Middleton The Middletown Common Council chambers were filled to the limit on April 3, when, one after the next, individuals representing themselves or various organizations spoke up against a proposed law that would force renters to obtain insurance if they own a dog that weighs over 50 pounds. The opposition to the proposal was very strong and brought up a number of different objections to it. Among them, for example, were that it would cause landlords to be less accepting of tenants who own dogs.…

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Do your possessions in storage require insurance coverage?

No matter where you may be keeping your belongings – whether it’s in your parents basement or garage, or in a public storage unit – making sure that you have the proper insurance coverage for those items should be considered a necessity if they are of any financial value or if it would cost money to replace them. The Insurance Information Institute recommends that if an item is worth paying for its storage, then it is worth the cost of its coverage. The first thing that you should do is…

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Smart renters purchase insurance coverage

Last year came with a wide range of tremendous disasters ranging from extreme weather to tornadoes, which brought the importance of insurance coverage to the attention of many renters who didn’t think that they needed this protection. Unfortunately, all too many renters discovered that they were wrong when they assumed that their landlords’ policies would cover them, as well. The reality, though, is that the landlords’ policies extend only to the protection of the building itself, and not the contents of the units. Renters’ insurance, also known as contents insurance,…

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Understanding the basics of condo insurance

Condo owners, similar to owners of houses, can greatly benefit from the coverage provided by insurance that protects them from damage to their property, as well as from liability. Many condo owners do have questions about condo insurance, however, as it is slightly different from the typical homeowners policy. Though they remain quite similar, there are some ways in which they differ due to the nature of the condo itself. In order to find out what types of insurance are available to your condo, speak with an insurance provider. Many…

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Is renter’s insurance necessary or a luxury for students living away from home?

The back-to-school season is upon us and college students across the country are moving into their new homes for the coming school year; a process that involves expensive personal possessions, such as computers, electronics, bicycles, clothing, and other personal items that would be costly to replace though they are highly prone to damage or theft. While some students already have protection through their parents’ homeowners insurance, many policies will not cover students who aren’t living on campus. That said, many tenants fail to realize that their property is not covered…

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