Health insurance website is the focus of new federal push

health insurance agents websites

Now that the site has been redone and is working, it is the center of a new campaign. As of yesterday, the Obama administration has launched a brand new campaign to promote the use and the benefits of the health insurance website that has now been repaired after a very difficult first couple of months, and to underscore the advantages of the president’s signature healthcare reforms. The new push is aimed to put the technical problems and cancelled policies in the past. This new campaign for the federal health…

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Healthcare reform experts recommend double checking health insurance status

health care reform news

Now that is repaired, consumers who previously purchased plans are urged to verify enrollment. The White House has now declared the federal health insurance exchange to be fully up and running, but is also recommending that individuals who enrolled in this part of the healthcare reform ahead of the fixes, should check to ensure that they truly do have the coverage they believe that they purchased. Those who enrolled online through the exchange while the errors are still present may not be enrolled after all. Although the largest public…

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Colorado health insurance is very far from meeting its enrollment needs

Colorado Health Insurance

At the moment, only about 6,000 people have enrolled, but it requires over 136,000 to meet its goals. The Colorado health insurance exchange is well behind its goals for encouraging individuals throughout the state to enroll in their coverage in order to comply with the so called individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act. Far fewer consumers are purchasing the coverage that they need to comply with the healthcare reforms than expected. In fact, at the moment, the estimates of the Colorado health insurance exchange’s performance are that the enrollment…

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Healthcare reforms continue to be made as HHS delays enrollment deadline

healthcare reform deadline

Consumers who shop for their coverage using the federal exchange will now have another week. Americans who are shopping around for health insurance through the use of the federal exchange website will now be provided with an extension on the previous deadline, as new healthcare reforms have granted them until December 23 in order to sign up on the site and obtain the benefits required to comply with the individual mandate starting on January 1, 2014. This, according to an announcement recently made by the Department of Health and Human…

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Healthcare reforms are about to get a whole lot funnier

Funny or die healthcare reforms

The celebrities from the Funny or Die studios in Hollywood are helping to promote the health insurance exchanges and laws. Hollywood is now doing its part to help the country to get itself ready for the implementation of the latest pieces of the healthcare reforms, as the state health insurance exchanges get ready to go live on October 1. Mike Farah and the Funny or Die studios team are coming up with as many as 20 different projects for this purpose. In order to make sure that the healthcare reforms…

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