Health insurance endeavor in Florida may be dubious foreshadowing for exchange initiative

Florida health insurance

Health insurance program from Palm Beach County is met with significant challenges While health care reform begins to take hold on a national level, several counties throughout the U.S. are looking to make health insurance more accessible to consumers on their own. Such is the case in Pam Beach Country, Florida, where county officials are working to ensure that all residents have access to the health insurance they need. According to officials, one in five residents of Palm Beach County currently lack coverage. While officials are working to address this…

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Health insurance rate review in Florida may soon be suspended

Florida Health Insurance Rates

Proposal aims to address concerns regarding health insurance rate review Worries are high throughout the U.S. concerning the possibility of rising health insurance rates due to the Affordable Care Act. Throughout the country, several large insurance companies have warned that rates will grow exponentially next year, as the federal health care law becomes fully implemented. In Florida, these ominous warnings are being taken to heart, and lawmakers are now looking to the federal government for more direction concerning how to mitigate the potential rise in health insurance rates. Lawmakers back…

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Health insurance through Florida KidCare program receives more attention

Children’s Health Insurance Program

Sacred Heart raises awareness for KidCare health insurance program Florida’s Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital has launched a new campaign to raise awareness for the Florida KidCare health insurance program. The federally-funded program offers health insurance coverage to those below the age of 19. According to Sacred Heart, the program has seen relatively low usage over the past few years due to consumers thinking that their children are not eligible for the coverage it provides. The organization is keen to see enrollment in the program grow in order to ensure that…

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Commercial health insurance enrollment dropping in Florida, claims annual report

The Florida Health Care Insurance Advisory Board has released its annual report on the rate of enrollment in the myriad of health insurance plans found throughout the state. The report shows that enrollment has fallen by 4.3% in 2010. This marks the fifth consecutive year that enrollment rates have fallen in the state, which means that more people are living without some kind of health insurance. The report makes note of the lingering economic turmoil that is left over from the 2008 recession and how that might be contributing to…

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Florida to build an independent insurance exchange exclusively for small business

Amidst ongoing controversy surrounding the federal health care laws, Florida has opted to take its own approach on a mandated insurance marketplace. The law requires that all states have a working health insurance exchange in place by 2014. The exchanges are meant to be an online insurance marketplace where consumers can find affordable policies. Florida stood in opposition for the federal health care law since it was passed in 2010, and state legislators have expressed their discontent for the exchange initiative in the past. Now, the state is attempting to…

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Palm Beach County seeks to help the uninsured find coverage

Those without insurance are at a heightened risk of being unable to pay for medical treatment that could save their lives. In years past, the issue has been well documented but few lawmakers have made moves to find a solution. The Affordable Care Act was meant to remedy the problem by expanding people’s access to insurance coverage. However, in Palm Beach County, Florida, the County Commission is calling for more aggressive action to be taken to ensure that state residents have access to the coverage they need. This week, the…

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