New health insurance markets in New Hampshire a mystery to residents

health insurance confusion

Survey shows that many people lack knowledge concerning emerging health insurance markets Health insurance continues to be a controversial issue throughout much of the U.S., but one of the major problems with the Affordable Care Act may not be one of acceptance, but one of awareness. New Hampshire Voices for Health, a network of 40 organizations that advocate affordable health insurance coverage, have released the results of a new survey, highlighting the issue of awareness. According to the survey, there is a lack of knowledge concerning new health insurance markets…

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New study shows the value of Medicaid in the lives of those covered by the program

The results of a yearlong study of the effects of Medicaid on patient’s lives have been released. The federal health care program has been receiving more attention from legislators recently, both in the effort to discover more ways to cut funding to the program and revamp its existing regulations. The study conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research may put a halt to some of the plans proposed by politicians regarding the stability of the program. It may also shed light on how beneficial the program is to patients.…

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