Germany balks at EU regulations targeting the insurance industry

German insurance industry

Insurance industry shows unease over new risk management regulations The European Union is currently working to introduce new regulations to the insurance industry in an effort to moderate risk and exposure. These rules are meant to impose new risk management standards on large insurance companies in order to mitigate any problems that could be caused by future financial disasters. In Germany, these regulations are being met with resistance as the insurance industry balks at the deadlines imposed by the European Union concerning the implementation of these new regulations. German agency…

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Latest international insurance news shows German insurers seeking strategies around low interest rates


German insurance industry brainstorming for financial relief. Germany is making international insurance news as its life insurance companies attempt to come up with new strategies that will help to dig themselves out of the financial trouble that the country’s low interest rates are causing for them. The insurers within this largest economy in Europe are looking into various different ways to overcome the drop in income they are suffering from their investments. Some of them include offering policyholders shorter maturity guarantees for their policies, or greater flexibility. According to Maximilian…

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