The future of health exchanges and high risk pools may hang on the Supreme Court’s ruling

Health Care Reform

News outlets have been reporting that if the health insurance law is overturned, massive programs it promised may end. Health insurance programs such as the state health exchanges and the pre-existing condition pools may find that their existence was short lived should the United States Supreme Court overturn the healthcare law that was put into place by the Obama administration in 2010. For example, the temporary PCIP government program may be the last of the protection for high risk individuals. That program was put into place in order to help…

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Aetna makes a statement in the industry

At this year’s Health 2.0 event, Mark Bertolini, the CEO of Aetna, gave a very positive outlook for the future of health insurance in his company as a result of the current and upcoming changes to the healthcare system in the United States. The reason is that the insurer has reinvented itself by providing a unique healthtech startup company exit opportunity after having made more than $1.5 billion in acquisitions in 2011. Those acquired companies are playing an important role in assisting healthcare organizations to make their first steps into…

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Health insurance analysis suggests that insurance may be completely unaffordable by 2031

Two leading medical professionals have published a new analysis of the future of health insurance in the latest issue of Annals of Family Medicine. Richard A. Young and Jennifer E. Devoe have taken a look at the Affordable Care Act and how it will affect the health insurance industry from when it is fully enacted in 2014 to the state of the industry in 2037. The study assumes that the federal health care law is successful in its goal of lowering health insurance premiums. Despite this supposed success, the study…

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Health insurance may face obsolescence at the hands of accountable care organizations

As the insurance news concerning the health industry begins to change, many are beginning to question how necessary insurance companies actually are. For centuries, insurers have provided access to policies that allow businesses and individuals to enjoy some degree of protection against unforeseeable events. People rely on insurance companies to handle the risks associated with daily life, but fall victim to the whims of these companies that are very much business oriented. When the Affordable Care Act was signed into law in 2010, it opened the way for a new…

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Digital Insurance Inc. offers complimentary healthcare reform webinar

The top employee benefits agency for speed of growth, Digital Insurance Inc., has sent out invitations for a free webinar that they have entitled “The Agency of the (Not So Distant) Future”, which will be held on Thursday, November 3, at 2 pm. The chief marketing officer and executive vice president of Digital Insurance, Mike Sullivan, will be using the seminar to make a presentation of his vision of the successful agency of tomorrow, and to go over the type of knowledge and infrastructure that will be required in order…

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