Auto insurance news for Ford Fusion drivers is good

ford fusion safety auto insurance

The vehicle has just achieved an important milestone for its manufacturer and its drivers. Ford has just been given an important boost by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which has just rated the 2013 Fusion and Fusion Hybrid the top vehicle safety rating, which is great news for both the manufacturer and the drivers who must pay for the auto insurance to cover it. Ford has issued a press release in which it has expressed its pride in the safety achievement of the vehicle. According to the global…

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Auto insurance data shows Ford trucks loved by thieves

Canada Auto Insurance

The IBC has released its report identifying the 10 most stolen vehicles. The auto Insurance Bureau of Canada has just announced its list of the 10 vehicles that are the most popular targets of thieves and has identified Ford trucks at the top of this list, particularly in the province of Alberta. The report covered vehicle thefts from across the country but provided a breakdown by province. This IBC list is issued once per year in order to help auto insurance companies and consumers to better identify the vehicles that…

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