Rising flood insurance premiums spark protests among homeowners

Flood Insurance - FEMA

Flood insurance rates prove controversial for FEMA Rising flood insurance costs may soon become a problem for the U.S. federal government. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been working to revise the flood maps that determine what regions of the country can be considered “high risk” areas. According to FEMA, such areas are prone to floods that can cause significant damage to properties and are under considerable risk to falling victim to floods that are caused by storms. Revisions to FEMA’s flood maps have many implications, the most concerning…

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Flood insurance rates may spike in Vermont

Flood Insurance and reinsurance

Flood insurance could become costlier in Vermont and elsewhere With the Eastern U.S. having been battered by recent storms, flood insurance is at the forefront of many homeowners’ minds. Before the summer is over, the East Coast is likely to experience further storms, though the severity of these potential disasters is impossible to determine currently. While natural disasters may be unpredictable, Vermont officials are preparing for the worst case scenario, and that means warning residents of the potential for rising flood insurance rates. Regulator warns of impending rate increase The…

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Flood insurance program changes could increase rates

Flood Insurance

The national program will be facing some alterations and this could impact the amount paid for coverage. As today is the official start of the hurricane season and homeowners are being cautioned that there are some changes that are on the way for the National Flood Insurance program (NFIP) because it could impact the rates that they are paying. This is especially true in areas of considerably higher risk, such as in the South of Florida. The flood insurance claims that came swamping in following Superstorm Sandy made FEMA have…

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Flood insurance legislation filed by U.S. Senator

flood insurance rates

The goal is to delay the rate hikes for the coverage to help businesses and residents prepare. This week, U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana) has filed legislation with the purpose of delaying increases in flood insurance premiums in order to help to provide homeowners and businesses to deal with the current repairs from previous damage and then prepare for the higher costs that they will be facing to continue their coverage. Officials feel that the cost of these policies could skyrocket in many areas before the end of the year.…

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Flood insurance cost increase delay sought by senators

Flood Insurance and reinsurance

Following the struggles that have been brought about by Superstorm Sandy, higher rates could be crippling. According to Senator Robert Menendez, choosing to increase the rates for flood insurance at the moment could be highly damaging to the residents of New York and New Jersey, who are still struggling to rebuild their homes and businesses after they were demolished by Superstorm Sandy. The victims of the storm are already coping with the new flooding zone maps that often require changes. The rebuilding has already led to increased costs as many…

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