Is Refrigeration Equipment Covered by Business Insurance?

small business owner insurance

Business insurance is meant to protect you and your business from financial losses in case of an unexpected event. Covered events typically include anything from a customer falling while on your business premises to theft or damage of your business equipment.  Business insurance also protects you against things like professional mistakes, legal fees, and when the business faces a compensation claim. As such, it’s important for all businesses, including sole traders, self-employed people, and limited liability companies.  What does business insurance cover? Different forms of business insurance cover different kinds…

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What Insurance Am I Legally Bound To Carry?

Insurance Directory

With all the news about PPI or referred to as Payment Protection Insurance being mis-sold around the world, there can be some confusion as to what insurances we are required by law to have; and that number is very small. PPI was not required in most instances, if not all instances, for a loan to be approved. Yet people were told this and subsequently felt they had to have the insurance in order to be approved for the loan. And the mis-selling began. But what insurance policies are required by…

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