Health insurance for employees is on the rise in Massachusetts

Health Insurance benefits

Employer sponsored coverage is becoming more common among workers within the state. According to the data in a recent report, the percentage of employees in Massachusetts who are opting to take part in their employer’s sponsored health insurance coverage instead of taking home a larger amount of pay has increased since 2006, when the state overhauled its medical coverage system. The report also suggested that the federal Affordable Care Act may replicate this same result. The share of employees who have health insurance through their employment increased from having been…

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Health insurance subsidized by employers is becoming steady

Health Insurance plans

The rate of employees receiving coverage through their employers is starting to even out. According to the results of a survey that were released on Friday, less than half of American adults were taking part in a health insurance plan through their employers last year. The survey showed that the market is now indicating that it is stabilizing after a period of solid decline. Though workers haven’t reached the point where even half of them are able to receive their health insurance coverage through their employers, after three solid years…

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Healthcare reforms could benefit from dropped employer coverage

healthcare reforms quality and cost

The quality and cost of medical services could improve without their participation. Although the 2010 Affordable Care Act from President Obama promises workers that if they enjoy their health insurance coverage from their employers, they will be able to keep it under the healthcare reforms, there are some in the industry that are now wondering if the system would be more effective and less expensive if employers dropped the coverage that they provide. The intention of the law is actually to expand the coverage from employers across the country. However,…

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TrueCost plan sparks dispute in Cincinnati

health insurance rates highest and lowest

TrueCost plan provokes standoff between employees and employers A standoff in Cincinnati, Ohio, between employees and their employers has formed concerning a controversial new health insurance plan called TrueCost. The plan has become very popular for Cincinnati employers, but workers are concerning over the potential the plan has of introducing a variety of new medical costs. So far, nine Cincinnati employers, representing some 5,000 employers combined, have adopted the TrueCost plan, which comes from Custom Design Benefits. Plan allows employers to take control of health care costs According to employers,…

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Health insurance for small businesses still being considered by Walmart

Walmart health Insurance

The retail giant is still deciding whether or not it is interested in entering into that sector of the industry. Though no commitment has yet been made by Walmart, the massive retailer has indicated that it is still considering the option of offering health insurance to small businesses. It has already invested a great deal into its pharmacies, but it is taking care with future steps. Last week, there were discussions about the company’s interest in becoming involved in the small business health insurance sector, which is an area where…

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