Why Should You Get Temporary Car Insurance?

research extended car warranty companies

When you think about car insurance, most people will automatically assume that policies are annual or perhaps for six months at the minimum. However, there is such a thing as temporary car insurance and in certain circumstances, it may meet your insurance needs. Temporary Car Insurance? What Is It? Temporary car insurance is exactly as it sounds, short-term. This means that an insurer will offer you coverage for a specific limited period of time. You may need coverage for a single day, 14-day insurance, 1 month car insurance, or more.…

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Really Common Car Insurance Misconceptions

car insurance claims

Most people out there do not know much about their car insurance and the different factors that influence it. In reality, there are countless things that can have an impact on how much you can pay. At the same time, different misconceptions appeared in regards to car insurance. The really common misconceptions are presented below based on research done by auto repair Lakewood Colorado. Red Cars Are More Expensive To Insure This is a rumor that has been floating around for way too long but it is a completely false…

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How to Save on Car Insurance in Michigan

Michigan Auto Insurance rates

It’s no secret, car insurance in Michigan is very expensive. For the fifth year in a row, Michigan has ranked as the most expensive state for Car Insurance. In 2018, The average car insurance premium for Michigan residents is 64% higher than the national average premium. So far for 2019, our own research has shown that currently Michigan drivers are paying on average $1,300 for a one full coverage vehicle. This is $346 higher than the national average. The national average currently stands at $954 per year. With premiums so…

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Factors That Impact Car Insurance Premium Negatively and What You Can Do About It

Car Insurance rates

A number of things affect our auto insurance rates. Some work to our advantage and lead to discounts, whereas others get us deemed risky customers and lead to higher insurance premiums. There may not be much we can do about how old we are and where we live, but there are certain factors that impact our premiums negatively which we do have control over. Read on to find out what these factors are and what you can do to stop them from creating a bigger hole in your pocket. Your…

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Auto insurance premiums calculations seen as unfair

Health Insurance survey

Survey shows that drivers and insurers are not aligned in their concept of how rates are decided. According to the latest results of a Consumer Federation of America (CFA) study, auto insurance companies and policyholders have a very different opinion about what should and should not be used to calculate a driver’s premiums. There were 1,010 people who participated in the nonprofit consumer watchdog group’s survey. Most of the respondents said that they felt that their premiums should be calculated based on their actual driving history and behaviors. At the…

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