Bitcoin insurance is now available

Bitcoin insurance industry news

Insurance coverage for digital currency comes to the UK Digital currency has been making slow progress with consumers and businesses alike for several years. The idea of digital currency is quite attractive, especially as mobile technology becomes more important in daily life. The idea, however, is also problematic in that digital currency is susceptible to a wide range of problems as well as being very attractive to hackers. Bitcoin could be considered the premier digital currency and its history has been marked by volatility, theft, and exploitation. Now, however, Bitcoin…

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SIM cards could be a problem for the insurance industry

Cell Phone Insurance technology

SIM card vulnerability has insurance industry worried Germany’s Security Research Labs, a leading security firm, has found a serious flaw with the SIM card that are used in most mobile devices, which could have serious implications for the insurance industry. The discovery has been enough to spur the United Nation’s International Telecommunications Union into action. The organization suggests that the discovery is very significant and represents a potential threat to the global insurance industry and millions of consumers with smartphones and tablets. Flaw could affect millions of mobile consumers Security…

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US insurance industry may benefit from new Internet monitoring system

Cyber Insurance policies commissioners industry

Insurance industry continues to see threats in digital world Cyber security has become a very big deal for the U.S. government. Federal officials often highlight the risks that exist in the digital world, expressing their concerns that hackers and malicious parties could do irreparable damage to the country in a variety of ways. While these threats can often be over-politicized, the insurance industry is well aware of the risks they represent and has also been working to draw more attention to these risks in recent years. Federal government to develop…

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Digital Insurance Inc. offers complimentary healthcare reform webinar

The top employee benefits agency for speed of growth, Digital Insurance Inc., has sent out invitations for a free webinar that they have entitled “The Agency of the (Not So Distant) Future”, which will be held on Thursday, November 3, at 2 pm. The chief marketing officer and executive vice president of Digital Insurance, Mike Sullivan, will be using the seminar to make a presentation of his vision of the successful agency of tomorrow, and to go over the type of knowledge and infrastructure that will be required in order…

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