Daylight Saving Time comes with an hour less sleep and added risks, say insurers

Daylight Saving Time - woman sleeping on table

Insurance companies are reminding consumers to take certain precautions this year. Daylight Saving Time causes many of us to grumble about losing an hour of sleep, but this year, insurers used the date to remind consumers of other potential risks. They are hoping people will take certain precautions to keep themselves, their families and their properties safe. Moving clocks ahead can come with greater hazards on the roads from sleep deprived drivers. Just one hour’s difference from Daylight Saving Time causes traffic accidents to spike every year at this time.…

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Auto insurance collision data shows daylight saving time boosts accidents

driver auto insurance

An MP report has shown that when the clocks spring forward, drivers are left dozy behind the wheel. Daylight saving time, also known as summer time, has now caused the clocks to “spring forward” in many countries around the world, including much of the U.S. and Canada, and this has caused health and auto insurance news headlines to flare up with controversy, statistics, and discoveries about the impact that the practice has on our society. This trend will occur once again at the end of the month, as many other…

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