New York doctors suspected of fraud to the personal injury protection system face possible decertification

New York has launched a meticulous statewide initiative to shut down medical offices that have been fraudulently billing for medical services for car accident victims under the no-fault personal injury protection (PIP) system in the state, when those services are either entirely unnecessary or were never administered in the first place. Under the new regulations of this initiative, any doctors who have taken part in these unscrupulous efforts to defraud the PIP system in New York will be committing professional suicide. The regulations are being issued by the Department of…

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Roundabout accidents are on the rise in New York

Data regarding the number of vehicle crashes in the rotaries and roundabouts in the Capital Region of New York State has shown that these events are on the rise. Though these road features had been constructed in order to try to decrease traffic congestion and lower the risk of serious injuries, recently released data has shown that accidents within them are becoming more frequent. This is the case in 15 out of the 20 roundabouts in the region that had been constructed where there had previously been an intersection. Those…

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