Insurance exchange in California awards $184 million in contracts without competitive bidding

California Health Insurance checks

This stepped over a standard practice throughout the government in that state for this type of deal. The California insurance exchange has just announced that it has awarded contracts worth $184 million in a process that did not involve oversight or competitive bidding, which has moved itself outside of the standard practices that are used throughout the government in that state. These contracts include certain deals that will pay millions in dollars to a company with workers linked to the agency’s executive director. The no-bid contracts that were awarded by…

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Insurance news from California shows ruling on Obama healthcare fix

California health insurance

The president met with the state commissioner and the state has since refused the suggested patch. At the end of last week, California made insurance news by adding itself to the states that are refusing the fix recommended by President Obama that would allow Americans to be able to maintain their present health plans that have benefits that are too low to comply with the healthcare reforms. These plans would be permitted for another year, if their policyholders wish to maintain them. This insurance news from California means that two…

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Healthcare reforms in California are doing far better than federal changes

California Health Insurance exchange popularity

Although the rollout of the site has experienced massive struggles, is thriving. As the federal government continues to struggle with problems and errors related to its healthcare reforms, particularly in the website, California has been sailing along with a great deal of successes with its own exchange site, The problems with which many Americans have been struggling with the federal site are absent in California. Citizens in California have been able to take advantage of the better side of the healthcare reforms, as their state set…

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