Hard hit Louisiana deserving of pay out for Horizon oil spill

The state of Louisiana may push to negotiate directly with the Justice Department, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other responsible parties in the BP, Deepwater Horizon oil spill incident. Opposed to letting the funds go to the federal Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund for dispersal; Louisiana officials may petition to negotiate settlements for them self. The Deepwater Horizon disaster that occurred off the Gulf of Mexico last summer devastated several coastal areas, but by large, Louisiana suffered the most. Millions of barrels worth of crude oil spilt into the…

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Prudhoe Bay oil spill civil fines hit BP’s stock

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reveals that BP has been charged 25 million dollars in civil fines for the oil spill that occurred in Alaska’s main oil producing region of Prudhoe Bay in 2006. All total, BP will pay 85million dollars in penalties and civil fines. In 2006 a BP oil pipe leaked over five thousand barrels worth of crude oil on Alaska’s North Slope. Investigations show the leak was the result of a hole that had corroded in the pipeline. Five months later another leak occurred in the same…

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