Movie insurer makes a difference to the safety of film sets

Insurance for Movie StuntsThese days, when movies are made, most will take out coverage policies to make sure that they will be insured against various types of disasters that can strike the production, such as the destruction of the set or an injury to the star.

Often, the risk consultants for the insurance companies will help to make decisions regarding the way that the film will be made, in order to ensure a lower chance that a claim will need to be made.

In the case of “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”, Paul Holehouse was that individual. He was the Fireman’s Fund Insurance senior risk consultant, who worked with the producers of the film and helped to make changes when the risk seemed too high.

For example, there is a central scene to the film in which one of the stars, Rooney Mara, was to ride a motorcycle. However, at the suggestion of Holehouse, stunt doubles were used within those scenes, instead.

In Hollywood, Fireman’s Fund insures approximately 85 percent of all of the films that are made there. According to the chief executive officer of Relativity Media – a production company that has used Fireman’s Fund to cover many of the movies it has made – Ryan Kavanaugh, explained that coverage is “the only guarantee that a film can get completed for those involved in financing a movie, including foreign purchases, the banks, the studio and all others.”

He went on to say that Fireman’s Fund Insurance is among the only parities that will provide moviemakers with the level of coverage that is needed.

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