Lindsay Lohan takes out one of many movie star insurance policies

auto insurance - Lindsay Lohan image from Wikipedia

Celebrities such as Lindsay Lohan are taking out movie star insurance policies but they’re far from cheap.

Lindsay Lohan image from WikipediaBefore playing Elizabeth Taylor in the Lifetime biographical film “Liz and Dick”, Lindsay Lohan will be covered by movie star insurance policies that have been taken out by the network.

Many of both Taylor and Lohan’s fans are wondering if she has it in her to be able to play the role of a woman as legendary as Elizabeth Taylor, but Lifetime has clearly shown their faith in the young celebrity, though not without covering themselves. The producer of the film, Larry Thompson, took great care to take out the policy for this controversial individual.

It is only fair to acknowledge that movie star insurance policies are more common than many think.

Thompson explained that “We have more than a Plan B actually,” and added that “[because] Lindsay Lohan may be the most insured actress that ever walked on a sound stage.” He declined to share the details of the plan, but he did reveal that the film’s shooting was moved from L.A. to Canada to help to “minimize some risk” with the actress who is known for causing trouble.

Equally, though, Thompson was quick to praise Lindsay Lohan and her suitability for the role.

He said that she has a type of “vulnerability” and softer side that made her a good fit for Taylor, who was a legend known for being highly emotional. Thompson stated that “Even if I learn to regret it, sitting here today I think it is still for the movie a great risk to run. [Lindsay’s] really excited by the challenge.” He said that he feels she has the right type of attitude for the role and understands that this is no small task, but that playing Elizabeth Taylor is a massive responsibility.

Many other celebrities have taken out various types of movie star insurance policies. Holly Madison, the reality star, has purchased coverage worth $1 million for her breasts, for example. Dolly Parton also had insurance on her breasts in the 1970’s, worth $600,000 (in today’s dollars). Even in the 1930s, Bette Davis insured her waistline for $28,000. Today, Heidi Klum, Rhianna, Tina Turner, and Jaimie Lee Curtis all have coverage for their legs, as do Miriah Carey and David Beckham.


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