A.M. Best, a worldwide ratings and financial data services company serving the global insurance industry, has released its latest installment of the Insurance Law Podcast. The series focuses on insurance issues from a legal perspective and seeks to supply viewers with an understanding of how insurance laws are affecting the industry as a whole. This week’s podcast focused on the issue of insurers using social media to price policies and investigate claims. The latest podcast features attorneys Daniel Santaniello and Heather Calhoon from Luks, Santaniello, Petrillo & Jones law firm.
During the podcast, the attorneys examined how insurers use social media as a tool to investigate claims and determine the price of some policies, such as those in the health insurance sector. Social media has become one of the most popular pastimes for those inhabiting the Internet, especially those of a younger generation who grew up steeped in technology. Typically, people tend to share a great deal of information on the various social media sites they frequent. This information has been used in the past by companies examining a person to see if they are fit for hiring. This practice has now extended to the insurance industry, though for a different purpose.
Ethical issues and current case laws are discussed during the podcast and the attorneys also interview some of A.M. Best’s personnel. The full podcast can be found via the Insurance Law Podcast site.