California health insurance exchange on track to reach enrollment goal

California Health Insurance exchange popularity

Covered California is finding success in the most recent open enrollment period California’s health insurance exchange, Covered California, is reporting healthy enrollment numbers as the open enrollment period continues. The state has been working to promote the exchange as a place to find affordable insurance coverage for those that currently lack it. Promotional efforts seem to be paying off, as thousands of consumers have applied for coverage through Covered California. The state is currently on track to reach its goal of adding some 500,000 new consumers to the exchange during…

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Employer-sponsored health insurance is becoming more expensive

covered care open enrollment

New report finds that workers in the US are paying more for their insurance coverage The Commonwealth Fund has released a new report that has found that the rate of growth in health insurance costs for employer-sponsored coverage has grown significantly since 2010. While the Affordable Care Act has helped mitigate the rate at which insurance premiums and costs have grown, it may not have provided significant financial benefit for individuals receiving coverage through their employers. As such, employer-sponsored insurance coverage is becoming more expensive for workers. Premiums are growing,…

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Special auto insurance required in Mexico for American tourists

mexico auto insurance

Over the colder winter months, tourists regularly head south, but their personal policies may not cover them. Driving from the United States of America down south to the United Mexican States is a very common occurrence when a little bit of warmer weather is desired during the winter months, but many Americans don’t know that they will need a special auto insurance policy in order to be able to stay behind the wheel once they’ve crossed the border. A car insurance policy based in the U.S. will not be accepted…

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Mobile apps could disrupt the auto insurance market

auto insurance uber

Google and Apple may become market disrupters by supporting mobile applications Both Google and Apple may soon become disrupters in the auto insurance market. A growing number of insurers are beginning to use telematics to offer new, usage-based policies that are popular among consumers. These companies are using relatively expensive devices to monitor the driving habits of policyholders and this information is being used to determine the cost of an actual insurance policy. Mobile application may soon become a powerful tool in helping insurers cut the upfront costs associated with…

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Gaming and insurance industry are thrust into the limelight

tablet mobile gaming insurance marketing

The insurance industry has been involved in gaming for decades Insurance and video games are not a common topic, but the insurance industry has been involved in the gaming world for decades. Over the past several years, gaming has grown from a relatively unpopular pastime to a massive and diverse market, and this means that games have begun to fall under harsh criticism because of their content. In the past, some have tried to blame violent games the reason behind violent behavior. This concept may be affecting the insurance industry…

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