How can insurance protect you from financial loss

Business insurance - keyboard

Business insurance is a type of insurance that helps protect businesses from financial loss in the event of an accident, theft, or other unfortunate events. Businesses typically purchase insurance to help protect against property damage, liability, and workers’ compensation claims. Depending on the type of business, owners may also purchase additional insurance coverage to help protect against other risks, such as product liability or professional liability insurance. There are a variety of business insurance policies available, and the type of policy that a business purchases will depend on the specific…

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Louisiana home insurance coverage at risk as Atlantic hurricane season picks up

Louisiana home insurance - Hurricane Season

The state is facing problems that have been compared to the coverage crisis in Florida. As has been the case in Florida’s market, Louisiana home insurance struggles are leaving thousands of residents of the state wondering how to find coverage. The need is becoming particularly urgent as the US predicts a busy Atlantic hurricane season. Meteorologists have been warning that the Atlantic hurricane season will be an active on this year. With theses risks ahead, a number of Louisiana home insurance companies have withdrawn from the market, just as has…

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