7 Types of Insurance Every Millennial Must Consider

Millennials insurance that they are buying

If you were born between 1978 and 1999, you are classified as a millennial. The millennial generation is regarded as one of the most financially conservative generations since they are careful when it comes to investing and saving. Therefore, it’s surprising to look at the fact that a vast majority of individuals between 18 and 39 are underinsured. Here are 8 types of insurance plans millennials should consider: 1 Life Insurance  Life insurance isn’t something that only the wealthy need. Depending on your particular situation, perhaps, you need it as…

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Florida flood insurance rates are too low, says recent study

Florida flood insurance rates - water in house

New research shows that the National Flood Insurance Program is undercharging property owners. Florida flood insurance rates aren’t as high as they need to be to reflect the risk associated with the property, says the results of a recent study. It indicates that the National Flood Insurance Program is undercharging people and that it could justifiably raise its rates. Undercharging Floridians means that it is more affordable for people to live in dangerous locations. The Florida flood insurance rate findings were made following a new analysis by First Street Foundation.…

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