Why did my auto insurance increase?

Auto Insurance

Will unpaid parking tickets or accidents cause your premiums to rise? Upon receipt of a letter or an invoice that shows that you’ll be paying more for your premiums from now on, it’s natural to ask yourself: why did my auto insurance increase? The answer can lie in many places, some within your control, and some that had nothing to do with you. For example, there are times when an insurer will boost all of their rates, so you will simply have been roped into that hike as a whole.…

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Advocacy group calls upon New York regulators to take action against force-placed insurance

force placed insurance

New York regulators urged to be examples in the fight against controversial insurance practice The Consumer Federation of America (CFA), a consumer advocacy group, has called upon New York insurance regulators to tackle the issue of force place insurance for homeowners. The New York Financial Services Department has been holding public hearings concerning a number of issues of importance in the state. During one of these hearings, CFA Insurance Director J. Robert Hunter petitioned insurance regulators to take a stand against the controversial practice of force-placed insurance and become national…

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