El Niño’s Record-Breaking Rainfall: Implications for Septic Tank Owners

El Niño's record-breaking rainfall is a concern for all, it brings unique challenges for septic tank owners

El Niño, a climatic event marked by unusually warm Pacific waters, has been dominating headlines this year due to its potential for record-breaking global weather patterns. Several sources, including Scientific American and UCI News, predict that the 2023 El Niño could usher in unprecedented rainfall across various regions worldwide. Such extreme weather conditions pose distinct challenges for septic tank owners. Heavy rains can over-saturate the ground around drain fields, hindering the effective treatment of wastewater. If the drain field becomes waterlogged, it loses its ability to absorb or evaporate waste,…

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Is Long-Term Care Insurance Worth It? Buying Long-Term Care Insurance After 65

long term car insurance and is it worth it

Long-term care insurance is a topic that sparks various questions and concerns. Many individuals wonder if it is worth the investment or if it is simply a waste of money. In this article, we will explore the definition of long-term care insurance, what it covers, and whether it is a worthwhile purchase. What is Long-Term Care Insurance? Long-term care insurance is a type of coverage that helps individuals pay for the cost of long-term care services when they can no longer perform certain daily activities independently. This can include assistance…

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Digital Era: Are Exclusive Insurance Agents Facing Extinction?

exclusive insurance agents battle in the digital world

In the vast and complex world of insurance, exclusive agents play a critical role. They are professionals who have signed agreements with a single insurance company to sell only that company’s policies. This exclusivity allows them to deeply understand the products they sell, providing clients with an unmatched level of expertise in those specific offerings. However, the insurance industry is currently in a state of flux. Rapid technological advances, evolving consumer expectations, and the rise of digital platforms are reshaping the landscape. These changes are not only altering how insurance…

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5 Awesome things your local car insurance agents can teach you

You might be shocked at the coverage you do and do not have. Your local car insurance agents have a wealth of knowledge and experience about your coverage that can be everything from fascinating to useful. These facts can save you a surprising amount of money.  Talking to an insurance expert near you can ensure you are protected where you think you are. It’s always a good idea to review your coverage with one of your local car insurance agents once a year to be sure your coverage is what…

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Disability Insurance – A Dying Breed

disability insurance

When you think of disability insurance, you may automatically think about the benefits some receive through the Social Security program. This is run through the government. Everyone pays in, and someone who becomes disabled can then receive money each month. This program has saved many families from financial ruin, but the amount you can receive each month is not a lot. Families need more protection. Did you know there are other policies you can buy on your own in the event you are in a terrible accident or if you…

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